• Top 8 beauty trends of 2022

    Top 8 beauty trends of 2022

    Top 8 beauty trends of 2022Wondering what’s hot off the press in the beauty industry? We’ve scouted out ten of the best health and beauty trends to try out this year.From slugging (which doesn’t involve the slimy creature) to skinimalism, discover all the latest trends in the industry and find out all you need to know before you give them a go.1. SkinimalismWhether you’re on Tiktok or you’re a fan of beauty mags, you’ve probably heard of skinimalism. But what is this exactly?Essentially, skinimalism is the concept of minimalising your...
  • Our guide to the top 10 benefits of collagen

    Our guide to the top 10 benefits of collagen

    Our guide to the top 10 benefits of collagen A word that is attached to a great many skincare products, and increasingly, it is also part of many supplements that are now available to help support the bones and muscles – is collagen. You’ve probably heard good things about collagen, and you may be doing a bit of research to see if what you’ve heard is true. Or maybe you’ve caught snippets of positive mentions about collagen here and there and want to piece them all together. And that’s where...
  • Omega 3 benefits for skin, hair & nails

    Omega 3 benefits for skin, hair & nails

    Omega 3 benefits for skin, hair & nails Forget tweaking your Instagram filters to achieve a healthy glow or glossy hair. Upping your omega 3 intake could be the answer. From minimising breakouts to giving thinning hair a boost, in this post we provide a breakdown of the omega 3 benefits for skin, hair and nails. What is omega 3? Omega 3 fatty acids are essential nutrients found in certain foods. They’re also widely available in supplement form. The two main omega 3 fatty acids are docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and...
  • How to get perfect skin holistically

    How to get perfect skin holistically

    Do you wish you had perfect skin? That you could look in the mirror and see skin that looks smooth, healthy, plumped, and well, just downright perfect!  Perfect skin is something we all dream of, but isn’t something we all have. While there isn’t a magic wand we can wave that’ll give us skin perfection (sorry), there are plenty of things we can all do that our skin will most definitely thank us for.  In this article, we guide you through how to get perfect skin holistically. Because it is possible to...
  • Coenzyme Q10 benefits: Is it time to firm up your complexion?

    Coenzyme Q10 benefits: Is it time to firm up your complexion?

    Do you want to plump and firm your tired, fatigued skin? Here we discuss coenzyme Q10 benefits for skin and what makes this ingredient a valuable addition to your daily skincare cocktail. But before we delve into why you might what to add a coenzyme Q10 skin cream to your next beauty haul, let’s take a moment to understand some basic skin science. Getting under your skin Your skin is made of layers of cells supported by a dense network of elastic tissues and fibres. The appearance of your skin...
  • Daily habits that are bad for our hair

    Daily habits that are bad for our hair

    We all get into bad habits at some point in our lives – and often, we do not even realise that they are having any negative effect. When it comes to our hair, it is very easy to fall into this trap. The way we treat our hair can often be the cause of many of the problems associated with it. But just because it is something you have always done; it does not mean that you should keep doing it. Whether you suffer from breakage, unruliness or faded colour,...
  • How to strengthen nails and keep them healthy?

    How to strengthen nails and keep them healthy?

    You may have your skincare routine down, your haircare regime on point, but how about those nails? They need some love too you know! Not quite sure how to do that? We’re here to help read our top tips on how to strengthen nails and keep them healthy.  1.Keep ‘em clean and soft It might be obvious but keeping your hands and the skin around your nails clean is key to good nail health. As well as being dirt-free, it’s also important to get rid of all old nail varnish...
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